Since 1998, Gestalt Consult has delivered profitable growth through applying original B-BBEE strategies.

Gestalt exists to help businesses unravel the complexities of B-BBEE to ensure businesses achieve the highest possible empowerment score for the lowest investment.

We design sustainable business growth and transformation strategies in the spirit and the letter of BEE to better companies and its beneficiaries.

How? Gestalt uses original and proven business transformation models to improve business competitiveness and compliance while growing shareholder value.

We serve local and international businesses who seek to unlock maximum potential from South Africa’s dynamic domestic market.

Gestalt is more than a consultancy. We are an end-to-end partner that unlocks business growth and shareholder value through BEE.

Get in Touch

Meet the team

Deon Oberholzer

Deon Oberholzer

Bert van Zyl
Group Sales Manager

Chris Oberholzer
Consultant Manager


Business Q&A Interview with Gestalt Consult's CEO Deon Oberholzer

Part 1

The discussion covered how businesses would be affected by the recent changes in the Employment Equity Act and the Preferential Procurement Legislation.

Part 2

Employment Equity Act; The recent changes and impact it will have on businesses

Part 3

The Employment Equity Act: What businesses need to do to comply with recent changes to the (EE) Act

Part 4

The Preferential Procurement Legislation: The impact it will have on businesses and the economy

Part 5

The Preferential Procurement Legislation: What businesses need to do with recent changes to the preferential procurement legislation.

Business Beat Interview - BEE Transformation

Interview 1

Interview 2

Interview 3

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BEE Verification

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Gestalt Growth Strategies eTV interview 9 Feb 2021